I'm always excited to take on new projects and collaborate with innovative minds.
Professor and Instructor for Cyber Security, Malware Analysis, and Digital Forensics Courses on platforms like Udemy and Unacademy with 100,000+ minutes on Unadacemy Specials and Udemy. Priyank gada also teaches law enforcement agencies.
Dedicated Instructor with a proven track record of delivering high-quality, engaging, and informative courses. With over 1000 hours of content on platforms like Udemy, Unacademy, and TutorialsPoint, Priyank Gada has helped thousands of learners master a wide range of subjects.
User-Centric Quality: Delivered 4K content with Professionally recorded voice-over in English, Hindi, and Urdu Language.
Integrated Questionary: Developed an integrated questionary with interactive quiz to test students.
Personalized Recommendations: Implemented a recommendation list for further research on every topic for students to explore further on topics.
Live Interactive Sessions: Integrated online sessions for students in remote locations. Conducted sessions for Unacademy Specials for live online sessions .
Cyber-Security: 7 Courses on Cyber Security covering topics from basics like installation of Linux to how to use meta-sploit and practical techniques used by trusted partners and law enforcement.
Malware Analysis: Courses that cover topics like Static and Dynamic Analysis.
Python: Python courses that cover topics like Basic Functions and Programming languages that help students to create scripts for Hacking.
Certified Ethical Hacking: Content that covers topics like CEH and CHFI that are famously covered by EC-Council but in a budget-friendly way thus covering knowledge without paying 1000s $ for certification and brand value.
Udemy Inc: 53000+ Students with 42000+ Paid Sales on platforms like Udemy.
Law-Enforcement: 10000+ officers trained for Special Cell and Cyber Department.
Unacademy: Covered Unacademy Special - Live session on Unacademy specials and completed 100,000 minutes on Unacademy.
Tutorials Point: 150,000+ students on Tutorials Point and small websites like Eduonix.
Public speaking qualities with 180+ Offline Sessions Conducted.
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